This piece occurs simultaneously with Vhils' solo exhibition at MIMA, bridging the institution and the street.

MIMA remains accessible

MIMA remains accessible during the construction works on Quai du Hainaut.

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Joan Cornellà

MIMA - cuadro7

“I agree with the quote from Bill Hicks: ‘I believe that there is an equality to all humanity. We all suck.’ In my comics, my paintings, the characters look artificial and always have a big smile on their face even though horrible things happen to them all the time. Everything is exaggerated, although a certain behaviour has a ring of truth to it.”

Born in 1981, he lives in Barcelona. With the quite unbelievable statistic of 4,500,000 followers on Facebook and 1,700,000 on Instagram, Joan Cornellà is today at the top of the list of the most followed plastic artists on social networks.

The dark humour of his work challenges the taboos and the morality of society. In a soft and pastel like atmosphere, he creates a comical effect by contrasting the commercial faces of his characters with hyper-violent situations. His videos and paintings encourage people to revel in perversity, to positively enjoy situations which would/should otherwise be reviled.

“I agree with the quote from Bill Hicks: ‘I believe that there is an equality to all humanity. We all suck.’ In my comics, my paintings, the characters look artificial and always have a big smile on their face even though horrible things happen to them all the time. Everything is exaggerated, although a certain behaviour has a ring of truth to it.”

Né en 1981, Joan Cornellà vit à Barcelone. Avec le chiffre astronomique de 4.500.000 d’abonnés sur Facebook et de 1.700.000 sur Instagram, Joan Cornellà est aujourd’hui un des artistes plasticiens les plus suivis au monde sur les réseaux sociaux.

L’humour noir des peintures de Cornellà touche aux tabous et à la morale de la société. Dans une ambiance douce et pastelle, il y a un effet comique entre le contraste des personnages aux visages publicitaires et la violence de l’histoire. Ses vidéos et ses peintures incitent à se réjouir de ce qui devrait être détesté en raison de sa perversité : le vice et la déraison.

“I agree with the quote from Bill Hicks: ‘I believe that there is an equality to all humanity. We all suck.’ In my comics, my paintings, the characters look artificial and always have a big smile on their face even though horrible things happen to them all the time. Everything is exaggerated, although a certain behaviour has a ring of truth to it.”

Joan Cornellà werd geboren in 1981 en woont in Barcelona. Met liefst 4,5 miljoen Facebook-volgers en anderhalf miljoen op Instagram behoort Joan Cornellà vandaag tot de absolute top van de meest gevolgde kunstenaars op sociale netwerken.

De zwarte humor van zijn werk brengt taboes in beeld en stelt de moraal van de samenleving ter discussie. In een stijl gekenmerkt door zachtheid en pastelkleuren, wordt er een komisch effect bewerkstelligd door het contrast tussen de personages met gezichten die uit een reclame lijken te komen, en de gewelddadige situatie. De films en schilderijen zetten ons aan tot lachen met wat we zouden moeten verafschuwen om zijn verdorvenheid: ondeugd en dwaasheid.

Artist's works