“Designs and techniques for my murals are worked out in advance, and that includes weird tools I’ll need to customize or invent. I also make studio work, like canvases and sculptures. There seems to be an interesting parallel here with studio music and live shows. There’s more control indoors, to develop ideas, but then to bring this to people you need to find a way to put it on the road.”
Interview for, April 2015.
Born in 1974 in San Francisco, MOMO is real globetrotter. In addition to his studio work, he paints murals and public installations. His large-scale works have formed the bedrock of his artistic career and have taken him on an endless journey around the world from the USA, to Italy, France, The Caribbean, Mexico …
The aesthetic ideas he develops in his paintings and three-dimensional installations are conceptually and aesthetically post-digital, they have the look and feel of digital paintings with their geometric compositions and the superimposition of strata traced across the surface. The work obeys an inescapable mechanical logic, imposed by the restrictions of the self-made tools, which MOMO produces to make the work. Playing with colour theory, MOMO manipulates our sensual experience of his art. The resultant graphic work has strong, vivid features composed of clean lines and pure and primary colours.
“Designs and techniques for my murals are worked out in advance, and that includes weird tools I’ll need to customize or invent. I also make studio work, like canvases and sculptures. There seems to be an interesting parallel here with studio music and live shows. There’s more control indoors, to develop ideas, but then to bring this to people you need to find a way to put it on the road.”
Interview for, April 2015.
Né en 1974 à San Francisco, MOMO est un artiste globetrotteur. A côté de son travail en studio, il peint des murs et fait des installations dans les lieux publiques. Ce sont ces réalisations d’envergure qui vont construire son parcours artistique, l’emmenant dans une suite ininterrompue de voyages aux USA, en Italie, dans les Caraïbes, au Mexique…
L’esthétique de ses peintures aussi bien que de ses installations tridimensionnelles est post-digitale. Elle rappelle la peinture numérique par la composition géométrique et la superposition de calques comme ceux de traits sur un dégradé. Le travail obéit en réalité à la logique mécanique des outils originaux que l’artiste a lui-même créés. Le jeu de coloris interprète quant à lui librement la théorie des couleurs. Il en résulte des œuvres graphiques aux traits vifs, composées de lignes et de couleurs pures, primaires.
“Designs and techniques for my murals are worked out in advance, and that includes weird tools I’ll need to customize or invent. I also make studio work, like canvases and sculptures. There seems to be an interesting parallel here with studio music and live shows. There’s more control indoors, to develop ideas, but then to bring this to people you need to find a way to put it on the road.”
Interview for, April 2015.
MOMO, geboren in 1974 in San Francisco, is een echte globetrotter. Behalve zijn studiowerk, beschildert hij muren en maakt hij installaties in de publieke ruimte. Grootse realisaties vormen zijn artistiek parcours, wat hem onophoudelijk doet bewegen tussen de VS, Italië, Frankrijk, de Caraïben, Mexico, enz.
De esthetiek van zijn schilderijen en zijn drie-dimensionele installaties is post-digitaal. Door haar geometrische compositie en de overlappingen op kalkpapier, zoals bij de lijnen van een dégradé, herinnert zijn werk aan de numerieke schilderkunst. In feite gehoorzaamt het aan de mechanische logica van originele instrumenten die de kunstenaar zelf heeft bedacht. In zijn kleurenspel vult MOMO vrij de theorie der kleuren in. Daaruit komt een grafisch œuvre voort met levendige trekken, dat uit lijnen en zuivere kleuren, de primaire, is samengesteld.